
Let's Call the Whole Thing Off - Louis Armstrong、Ella Fitzgerald


Things have come to a pretty pass 好时光俨然成回忆

Our romance is growing flat 我们的罗曼史日渐平淡无奇

For you like this and the other 因为你有你所爱

while I go for this and that  我有我所钟

Goodness knows what the end will be 天知道我们将如何收场

I don't know where I'm  at  我也不知道将来在何方

It looks as if we two will  never be one 貌似我俩人终于有缘无份

Something must be done. 但总不能坐视爱情自生自亡

You say either 你说也许

And I say either 我说或许

You say neither  你说既不

And I say neither 我说也不

Either, either, neither, neither 也许,或许;既不,也不

Let's call the whole thing off 咱们干脆就此算了吧

You like potatoes 你爱洋芋

And I like potatoes 我爱土豆

You like tomatoes你爱番茄

And I like tomatoes我爱柿子

Potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes 洋芋,土豆;番茄,柿子

Let's call the whole thing off 咱们干脆就此算了吧

But oh, if we call the whole thing off 如果我们就此为止

Then we must part  我们就此分手

And oh, if we ever part 而如果我们分手

Then that might break my heart 我的心就会伤透

So it you like pajarnas and I like pajamas 所以如果你爱睡衣,我爱睡袍

I'll wear pajamas and give up pajamas 我就会穿着睡衣不再穿睡袍

For we know we need each other 因为我们知道我俩终究离不开

So we'd better call the calling off, off 就别再说什么分道扬镳

Let's call the whole thing off 最好就此打住吧

So if you go for oysters 所以如果我吃扇贝

And I go for oysters  你吃龙虾

I'll order oysters and cancel the oysters 那好吧,别再争了,咱就点龙虾

For we know we need each other 因为我们知道我俩终究离不开

So we'd better call the calling off, off 就别再说什么分道扬镳

Let's call the whole thing off 最好就此打住吧



   《分道扬镳》是1937年George Geshwin和Ira Geshwin两兄弟为音乐喜剧《一舞倾情》创作的爵士乐曲。歌曲本身所表现的是一对本来情投意合的男女招架不住平淡生活的拉练,开始为分手寻找各种堂而皇之的理由。然而真要分手时才发现即使面目可憎的伴侣仍牵扯了自己割不断的情谊。





